
Issue Don't auto-correct rhythms in normal note input mode
Issue "Tab bar" in View menu on macOS Sierra
Issue "Tab bar" in View menu on macOS Sierra
Issue Edit arpeggios and spacers causes a crash
Issue Edit bracket lead to crash
Issue Bad horizontal alignment of pedal lines
Issue Text palette
Issue Crash by creating a custom workspace from the Advanced workspace
Issue Score properties wiped when saving a generated part
Issue Score properties wiped when saving a generated part
Issue CRASH if select entire chordrest and then press Alt->up or Alt->down
Issue Crash with shortcut alt+arrow up/down if more than one element or nothing is selected
Issue Split staff command uses middle C=C3 (rather than C4)
Issue Split staff command uses middle C=C3 (rather than C4)
Issue Make sure min and max system distance don't surpass one another
Issue fluid: default velocity-to-filter cutoff modulator should be disabled
Issue fluid: default velocity-to-filter cutoff modulator should be disabled
Issue Add strings and woodwinds section to instruments
Issue Add strings and woodwinds section to instruments
Issue Injecting OS information in issue
Issue Injecting OS information in issue
Issue Better control of repeats and jumps for playback
Issue Repeats with more than 3 endings
Issue Multiple volta bracket endings playback incorrectly
Issue Repetition, 1, 2 and 3 doesn't work
Issue 'Open' volta lines must be extended over the entire 'ending' to play back correctly
Issue Issues with playback of complex voltas
Issue To Coda in same measure as D.C. al Coda is ignored
Issue Better control of repeats and jumps for playback
Issue Repeats with more than 3 endings